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Blogs (12)

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The heartbreak of loss

  /  Baby massage , Basking Babies  /  2 Minute Read

Soothe those teething pains

  /  Baby massage , Basking Babies , Pregnancy relaxation  /  4 Minute Read

The baby shower gifts that your expectant friends really want

  /  2 Minute Read

Should I use the naughty step?

  /  Basking Babies  /  3 Minute Read

Top weaning tips

Weaning can be a very exciting time for parents, but it can also carry an element of uncertainty if you have never done it before. We caught up with Theresa and Nicola at Happy Tums for their top tips to get you prepared before you start your weaning ...
  /  Basking Babies , Pregnancy relaxation  /  5 Minute Read

5 guilt-free pleasures for mums-to-be

  /  Baby massage , Basking Babies , Baby yoga  /  1 Minute Read

Basking Babies virtual baby massage-athon for Mind

  /  Meet our franchisees , Basking Babies  /  4 Minute Read

Becoming a franchisee with Basking Babies

  /  Baby yoga  /  5 Minute Read

Your 3-minute intro to baby yoga

We’re all more than familiar with yoga. But baby yoga is increasingly gaining popularity with new mums the world over. It’s a fantastic activity to help baby develop balance and movement – as well as being a great workout and social outlet for mums ( ...
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Meet Charlotte: Epping & Harlow franchisee

Charlotte, what is your favourite Basking Babies course? Naturally, I’ve always enjoyed teaching our Nurture Me: Baby Massage course the most, as it’s the one I first did with my little girl nearly 4 years ago. What is so good about baby massage then ...