

Relax with Bump pregnancy relaxation…. what’s it all about? Well, let me tell you. 

The benefits of relaxation during pregnancy are well-documented. As a midwife, I give advice, tips, and talk women through breathing techniques during labour. But it is a very different scenario learning how to breathe and relax in preparation for labour verses right when you need to use it in the moment, when your mind is in a different place.  

When Charlotte – the previous owner of our Epping franchise – invited me to join her Relax with Bump pregnancy relaxation course, I won’t lie I wasn’t sure. ‘Why?’ I hear you ask. Personally, I’m not someone who focuses deeply on my breathing or takes that time out of my day to to relax; meditation is not usually my thing in all honesty. But I thought, ‘what do I have to lose… give it a try!’ We have had such lovely feedback from the classes after all.  


Connecting with baby

I didn’t realise how just breathing and taking time out to connect with my bump could be so magical and very much needed! But on top of that, it actually helped me through my labour. I didnt have the chance to look into hypnobirthing but the Relax with Bump course gave me the skills I needed and also helped me to focus my mind during labour. My favourite session was on week four where we took a trip to the beach. 

Making new friends

On top of the support the course provided me with during labour, I made some wonderful new mum friends who I talk to regularly. I find we support each other through our journeys and that has been invaluable from the start!   

The importance of breathing

So let me ask you, have you ever stopped to just breathe? Even just five deep breaths? Try it now and see how it makes you feel. Close your eyes if you feel comfortable to (it makes all the difference, I promise). Now take a long, deep breath in, and out. Then repeat.  

Clearing your brain for just a few minutes really can help to relax your mind and body. This is what Relax with Bump is all about. Being guided through a visualisation relaxation and talked through how to breathe and relax is something I certainly didn’t think I would be able to do. But as a result, I slept better after the sessions and I felt I connected and bonded more with my bump. Even now my baby boy, Harrison, is here and is six months old, if I feel a little bit stressed, I just stop and take some deep breaths.  


Who would have thought that learning to stop and breathe – something we do every day – could have such an impact?  

I hope you enjoy your Relax with Bump sessions. You can find out more about the pregnancy relaxation course here.   

About the author

Natalie Fawkes

Natalie Fawkes

Franchise owner and instructor for Basking Babies Colchester.