Did you ever wish you had a manual for parenting? Well, Emma from Basking Babies Hornchurch caught up with the author of The A-Z of Parenting: Babies to find out what her new book is all about.
Welcome Emma. Before we dive in and hear all about your book, can you tell us about yourself please?
Thank you, my name is Emma, but my author name is Sienna’s mum. That was very much an intentional decision due to the identity that I felt I was writing from. I am back at work after maternity leave now. I have worked in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) for over 10 years working with companies to improve their environmental and social position on the planet. It’s a varied career and I can be doing anything from encouraging them to improve their carbon footprint, to setting up volunteering opportunities in the local community. Of course I am still a full time mum too, that’s my favourite and most varied job!
How old is Sienna now and how have you found life since becoming a mum?
Sienna is 18 months old now! I can’t even believe I’m saying that. The first 12 months of her life which the book covers, was the best year! I say the best, but also the hardest, challenging, and at times loneliest year – and it has been the making of me. Sienna has filled a void I didn’t even know I had. I feel the most comfortable in my own skin that I’ve ever felt, and I’ve grown in confidence. Being a mum makes you grow in ways you don’t expect or even know that you need. I was very fortunate in that first year and was able to go to lots of baby classes, including baby massage with Basking Babies. I tried to take on everything that I learnt along the way, from other mums and through the classes I went to. Now I’m back at work juggling work and mum life, so that keeps me very busy, but I’ve had the best time. I love being a mum.
You’ve certainly kept yourself busy during your maternity leave! How long were you working on your book?
I started writing in November 2021 when I was still attending your classes and then I finished writing it in March. After that I started the publishing process which was longer than the writing stage! I launched the book this October, so it took almost a year from start to finish.
Did you intend to write this book or was it something that was meant to be more like a journal for you?
I’d be up all hours of the night because Sienna wasn’t the best sleeper in the first year. In some ways I was just trying to find another way of keeping myself awake that didn’t involve online shopping, as that had got to the stage when I didn’t know what was arriving each day! I also wanted to write things down, so that I didn’t forget special things that had happened, or things that I’d read that I had found useful or interesting. Over time – and as Sienna started sleeping more – it started to expand and grow arms and legs. It was from then on that I really enjoyed getting the laptop out and having my own project. It was such a natural progression and before I knew it, I had over 20,000 words and a book manuscript on my hands. You could say it was a complete labour of love.
Who would you say the book is aimed at?
It would be most useful for first time parents, but I think even second- or third-time parents who need a quick reference guide would find it useful. I have had a mum of four tell me that even she learned new things from it. It’s basically a one-stop-shop that you can flick through and get straight to the topic you need in that moment. For example, how to give your baby a bath, support them with teething, or tackle the weaning phase.
I wanted the book to be full of bite-size information, with small chapters and top tips so that readers get an introduction to all of it. But in a way that hopefully isn’t too overwhelming. If a topic interests someone and they want to research it in more detail, then I’ve brought it to their attention so they can do that. The book itself is intentionally something you can flick through to have the main facts at your fingertips.
I noticed that the title of the book alludes to potentially being part of a series. Does that mean we might be in for more books along the way as Sienna gets older?
Yes, I did that intentionally, because at each stage of parenting we learn new things. I may be potentially writing The A-Z of Parenting: Toddlers next, and even as far along as teenagers. I’m currently debating whether to spend the winter writing the next installment, but I’ve got a lot less time on my hands now than when I had a baby sleeping on my chest. My hands are a lot fuller now, so no promises.
Where can we find the book?
It’s available globally, which is insane! You can get it in-store and online at Waterstones in the UK. And at Barnes & Noble in America to name a couple of places. However, the easiest place to find it is online at Amazon. I am also working with a charity called The Baby Bank HQ who are based at Lakeside shopping centre, Essex in a shop called Kid-Eco, and they stock the book there so you can also purchase a copy from them directly.
Tell us more about the charity you are working with
I always wanted to donate a portion of the profits to a charity. Once I had finished writing the book and was going through the motions with the publisher, I reached out to some charities to get a feel for what they did and a sense of whether we were a fit for eachother. I found a lovely charity in The Baby Bank HQ. Imagine a food bank, but for everything you need for your baby – clothes, equipment, and more. They even help with schools, housing, and work with hostels. Essentially, they are there to provide support to families across Havering. They are a lovely charity and are so grateful for any support they receive. Through the books sold, 15% of the profits go straight to supporting The Baby Bank HQ.
Thank you Emma, it has been great hearing all about your first year of parenting and your book. Where can our families who are reading this, keep in touch with you and find out more about what you get up to in the future?
Thank you for having me, I’m so grateful. The best place to find me is on my Instagram page- @itssiennasmum and you can find the link to buy the book in my bio there too.