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Calling all expectant mums – we have got some relaxation techniques that you will definitely want to try.

Preparing for life with a little one can at times feel overwhelming – trust us we’ve been there! 

That is why we’ve compiled a list of ways to restore the you-time that you and your baby bump deserve. Just keep reading to check them out!

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As pregnant women we often find ourselves overthinking.

‘What happens when my baby arrives?’

‘How will I adjust to life post-pregnancy?’

‘Am I cut out for parenting?’

However, all of these hypothetical questions can cause unnecessary worry and stress. This is where incorporating some mindfulness techniques into your daily routine can have huge benefits.

The NHS says ‘Becoming more aware of the present moment can help us enjoy the world around us more and understand ourselves better.’

Mindfulness is all about living in the here and now. You shift your focus onto the present and allow yourself to experience things as they happen.

By incorporating a more mindful approach to your pregnancy, you can relieve yourself of some of the pressures that enter your everyday life.

Mindfulness definitely aids relaxation and makes for a calmer experience with the world. Why not give it a try?


Relax with Bump

As it states in the title – our Relax with Bump classes are designed to help expectant mums chill out.

We’ll teach you plenty of relaxation techniques that you can implement into your life during pregnancy and beyond!

If you come along to our weekly sessions you can expect to unwind and connect with other mums-to-be.

It’s a great way to off-load and share your feelings with expectant mums who share similar thoughts.

So why not take some time for yourself and book in for a course of our weekly sessions?


Try floating

Have you given floating therapy a try?

Floating is a great way to unwind, switch off and chill out!

It involves lying in a sound and light-proof pod that is filled with body temperature water and salts. This may sound a little strange at first, but it’s a unique way to achieve total relaxation.

Floating can reduce stress and lower blood pressure which makes for a soothing session for you and the bump.

Just make sure to check in with your midwife for the go-ahead, before booking in for a float.


Pregnancy-approved pamper day

We all love a good pampering from time to time.

Between midwife appointments and the chaos of everyday life, it’s only right that we treat ourselves now and then.

A truly nourishing day of massage and relaxation may just be calling your name.

Why not treat yourself to a few pregnancy-approved treatments, that will show your body the TLC it deserves. It’s a chance to unwind and allow ourselves and our bumps to be nourished and a little bit spoilt!

We recommend checking out Acacia Beauty, as they have some amazing massage packages for pregnant ladies. It’s time to treat yourself!


Get a pregnancy pillow

If you haven’t already invested in a pregnancy pillow, then you don’t know what you’re missing out on!

Pregnancy pillows are a great addition to the expectant mum toolkit. They are designed to help you get the rest you need by soothing common sources of discomfort.

Some of the common areas they can assist with include easing back pain and finding a comfortable sleeping position.

There’s no better way to relax than with a good snooze, right?


And now all that’s left is to relax…

Hopefully, some of these relaxation techniques can help restore some precious calm moments during your pregnancy journey. 

We always recommend checking in with your midwife before trying anything new. Once you’ve got the go-ahead definitely give some of these a go.

It’s time to unwind with your beautiful bump!