There was a time when online baby classes were a normal part of life, and the only way we could get together! Then we all got Zoom-exhaustion. But we’ve gone full circle and found lots of you are still looking for courses online, so we’re back! Only this time, we’re on Microsoft Teams!

You asked, we listened

Whether it’s grandparents-to-be wanting to learn a new skill before their grandchildren arrive, mums living abroad looking to join a new class, or parents unable to drive just yet but not wanting to miss out on the magic of baby massage, we’re hearing from a lot of you who would find online courses useful.

So, we’ve added a full schedule of online classes, from pregnancy relaxation to baby massage, reflexology to baby yoga. You asked and we listened!

Whether you’re not ready to join an in-person baby massage or baby yoga class just yet, or you’d simply prefer to take part from the comfort of your home, wherever you are in the world, why not try out one of our online classes? We’d love to see your smiling faces.


What else would you like to see?

If you’re looking for something in particular – perhaps a private group course for you and your friends, or a special event just for dads, get in touch! We love working with families to find the right course for you.
