

Did you know Basking Babies offered private classes?

Whether it be a one-to-one Combat Colic: Baby Massage for Colic Prevention & Alleviation session or Move with Me Baby Yoga classes with a group of friends, we can customise any of our courses to suit your needs, with the instructor coming to visit in the comfort of your own home.

One-to-one classes can be beneficial if you’re feeling a little anxious about going out with a young baby into a group environment, or if you would like to have baby’s father or other family members there to learn with you.

Alternatively, we also offer private courses for a group of parents, whether you’re old friends from school or new friends from an NCT group. This can be lovely way to build relationships and spend some quality time with friends and your babies in familiar surroundings.

Before beginning a private course, your instructor will arrange a day and time suitable for you all. You will still reap all the benefits and enjoyment from our group classes, with a personal touch and a smaller, familiar group of parents.

Mums and babies love our private courses and leave each session feeling relaxed and excited at having learnt a new skill.

If you would like to know more about our private classes, get in touch with your local instructor here.


About the author

Vicky Milo

Vicky Milo

Franchise owner and instructor for Basking Babies Chafford Hundred Upminster.