


Are you and your baby looking to introduce some new exercises into your routine?

Well, you’re in luck, we have got some great suggestions for the pair of you to try!

Just remember to check in with your midwife or GP before trying any of our recommendations.

Postnatal exercise class

Postnatal exercise classes are a great place to ease yourself back into an active lifestyle.

You will find that most postnatal classes encourage new mums to bring their babies along to get involved with the fun. With a whole variety of classes on offer, there will definitely be something for you!

Just have a chat with your midwife to find some classes that are suitable for you and find a course in your area. It’s also a good idea to let the instructor of the class know where you’re up to post-pregnancy before starting!


Baby yoga

If you haven’t already tried baby yoga, we definitely recommend giving it a go!

Not only is it a safe exercise to try post-birth but it’s also a great way to bond with your baby. Together you will learn new skills, relax and experience the social benefits of being around other new parents in a supportive space.

Some of the benefits of baby yoga for your baby include:

  • Its ability to prevent & alleviate colic
  • It helps baby to soothe, settle & sleep
  • It can stimulate brain development
  • It helps babies to move from reflex to voluntary movements

And the benefits for you are just as amazing, they include:

  • Peer support from like-minded mums and dads
  • Baby yoga can help to alleviate PND
  • You’ll learn lifelong tools & techniques
  • You and baby can really get to know each other

Discover the full list of benefits for the pair of you just here!

The best part?

No prior yoga experience is necessary to enjoy these classes! Your instructor will teach you all of the tools, tips and techniques that you need during your classes. Make sure to join us for a relaxed session with your beautiful baba!


Try swimming

Does your little one love splash time in the bath at home?

If so, it might be time to introduce baby-safe swimming classes into your routine together.

Baby swimming classes tend to be recommended for babies aged around 3 months or above. They are a great way for you both to remain active, and you will learn from an expert how to support your baby in the water. Your bright-eyed babe will also become more familiar with being in the water with you and others, enhancing their experience of the world.
There are so many amazing benefits of swimming for babies, from improved coordination and balance to exercising the heart, lungs and brain. Give it a try and attend a guided swimming session near you!


Brisk buggy walks

Why not increase your walking speed whilst taking your little one out in their pushchair?

If you’re looking to give your heart rate a little boost, then having a brisk walk with your little one is a great source of exercise. In addition to keeping you active, walking can also work wonders for your mental health and well-being.

Just remember to adjust your buggy to the right height so that you can keep your back straight and arms bent. Once you’re all set up and your baby is comfortable, you can build in as many walks into the day as you’d like!

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Home workouts

Online workouts are a great way to get active in the comfort of your home.

There are a whole variety of great exercise videos that you can access and try online! However, if you’re looking for one that you can try with baby then we recommend this one

This is an 18-minute workout designed especially for you and your little one to enjoy. What’s even better is that you can try this with a baby of any age!

However, as with all of the exercises recommended in this article, just double-check with your health visitor or GP before giving it a go.


Are you and your baby ready to exercise?

We hope this article has left you feeling inspired and excited to start exercising!

Spending time with our babies is invaluable, so keeping them involved in our daily routine is a great idea. Hopefully, the pair of you can start to feel more active together by doing exciting activities that are great for your health and will leave you with special memories.