

We’re all more than familiar with yoga. But baby yoga is increasingly gaining popularity with new mums the world over. It’s a fantastic activity to help baby develop balance and movement – as well as being a great workout and social outlet for mums (and dads!).

Here at Basking Babies, we provide a vast selection of classes for little ones from birth to pre-school ages so that they can benefit from movement, relaxation and so much more.

Before baby yoga, our little ones can get familiar with baby massage…

Baby massage is perfect for newborns and beyond. Our baby massage classes cater for babies who are not yet crawling, so it’s a nice relaxed class for mums and babies alike… All our other classes include elements of baby massage as there are so many aspects of it that we love:

  • Skin-on-skin touch for bonding between mum and baby;
  • Prevention and alleviation of colic;
  • Relief for wind and constipation;
  • Boosts immune system;
  • Stimulation of brain development.

It’s a fantastic idea to include baby massage in your toolkit for when baby needs some extra TLC, e.g. when they’re experiencing discomfort or restless. Read more about the benefits in this blog post.



For babies three months and over…

We heartily recommend baby yoga. This gets baby using their muscles as soon as possible. We all need to move about, and it’s no different for babies.

Baby yoga in 30 seconds

Baby yoga is based on regular yoga with movements adapted for babies, including stretches, hip rolls and balance exercises.

The moves are all guided by mum or dad and are accompanied by simple songs that are easy to pick up and sing along to. No X-Factor audition required!

There is a lot of connection between mum and baby throughout the session, including physical touch, eye contact and talking to baby.

Baby yoga sessions also have plenty of content focused on mum, with warm ups and stretching, especially around the shoulders and arms, which are often fatigued by carrying small babies around. Some of the movements involve lifting, dipping and swinging baby in a fun and safe way.

Finally, we like to include some quiet time at the end of the session to help mum and baby rest and recharge before going back out into the busy world. Mum relaxing teaches baby to rest too – an important skill, especially for bedtime!


Great reasons to give baby yoga a go

As we love to explain in our sessions, baby yoga is centred around helping baby’s development, coordination and balance. They get to know their bodies, discover their own centre of gravity and can feel more confident when learning to walk and crawl.

It’s also great bonding time. For 45 minutes you give your baby undivided attention with no work, social media or phone calls to distract you. Maintaining eye contact with your baby helps you both bond even more. Also, the personal touch when you’re holding them during the movements releases oxytocin, AKA the cuddle hormone or love hormone.

It is specifically safe exercise to enjoy post birth. Perfect for easing back into exercise… often using small, controlled movements to help rehabilitate your post-natal body. The classes are so enjoyable, you may not even realise you are exercising at the time, but you may feel it the next day!

Most of all, it’s good fun. Babies find the sessions stimulating and exciting and love hearing you sing and speak to them in an engaging tone, using all your facial expressions.

What do I need to come to baby yoga?

You don’t need much in the way of props – just something for baby to lie on, such as a blanket, and a cushion for you to sit on if you feel more comfortable. We normally provide cushions and blankets (although with Covid, we suggest you bring your own for the time being for safety reasons).


What does a typical session look like?

Basking Babies classes are varied and so will be different from week to week, but generally speaking, they will follow a similar format.

We like to begin with some upper body stretches for mum or dad to warm up and feel relaxed before we get into the moves. We also include a little baby massage, with stretches while listening and singing along to fun tunes that are very easy to learn.

Using the mat, we take you through some exercises involving singing and additional warm ups for baby.

Then we continue with a few balance and range of motion exercises to help baby’s physical development and understanding where their body parts are in relation to each other.

Next, we include some stand up exercises with dips and swings to help baby learn more about balance and spatial awareness. The babies LOVE this bit. It’s hard work for mums, but great exercise. And trust us, the giggles are worth it! It’s also a brilliant aid for treating colic, wind and constipation.

Finally, we like to finish the session with some calming relaxation for babies. We feel it’s important that baby learns how to relax, and that they get their example from us, the grown-ups.

That’s why we like to include a lovely segment of meditation right at the end to promote R & R.

Did you know that 10 minutes of deep relaxation can be as beneficial as 2-3 hours of sleep? Parents are always in need of extra shut-eye, so this is a handy way to top up throughout the day.


What are the benefits for babies?

Relieves digestive problems and colic

Like their grownups, babies spend a lot of time being cooped up in seats: car seats, buggies and other contraptions. This means that they’re missing out on essential movement. A good stretch can go a long way to alleviating physical discomfort caused by wind, constipation and other tummy-related problems by getting rid of any abdominal pressure that’s built up during the day.

It promotes better sleep

With less pain and discomfort and more energy burnt, they’ll drop off to sleep more easily, so you can get some rest too. And this means you can feel re-energised for lunch dates with friends after class! Or the next day if your baba sleeps well during the night.

Helps them crawl and walk

As baby gets to practise balance, and working important muscles, they are also building up the fundamentals for each developmental stage: sitting, crawling, standing and walking. This means they may get ahead of their non-yogi peers.

More time with mum

Every baby wants your time all to themself. Attention feels like love, and love means a happy, secure baby developing social skills.


Benefits for mums

Nurture your post-natal body

Baby yoga is a physical activity. Instead of dumbbells and kettle bells, you’re lifting a heavy baby. The exercises we undertake use your core strength, which helps your tummy muscles recover from pregnancy. You’ll also be able to improve your pelvic floor.

It is the perfect way to ease into exercise post birth, and restore your body at a rate and pace that works perfectly for you. You get to stretch and strengthen your body, all while having fun with your baby.

Meet other mums

Being at home all day looking after the little one while your partner goes back to work can be lonely, especially if your friends are at work too. Baby yoga classes mean you can make new pals who understand what it’s like to be a mum and can support you through it. It also means some adult conversation, which we all need a little more of now and again. What’s more, we ensure we cover topics that matter to you, including sharing tips and tricks and supporting each other through the ups and downs of motherhood – as well as having a laugh.

Get advice and support from a qualified instructor

Our instructors are not here just to teach the yoga moves. They’re fully qualified experts in baby yoga, but more than that, they also understand motherhood. Many of our instructors are mums too and started off as class attendees themselves. You can speak to them about anything that’s on your mind. You can also join a dedicated WhatsApp support group to contact your instructor and other mums between classes. The Basking Babies support network is here for you round the clock.


When should I practise baby yoga?

Whenever you like. You can replicate your class sessions at home or have a go at one or two moves while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil, just for five minutes. This is good to do when baby’s been on a long car journey or stuck in their pram all day. Maybe you want to quickly help baby release wind, or simply make them laugh. You can also try the relaxation techniques at bedtime to encourage a restful night.

When should I not do baby yoga?

Always listen to your baby. If baby has other needs, is cranky, sleepy or full of food, then it’s best to leave it for a time when they are ready to enjoy it.

If there are any pre-existing health conditions, such as a clicky hip or if baby has recently had surgery, then make sure you check with your GP or health visitor before booking a class.

We’re always here to give you tips and advice. Don’t hesitate to contact us on social media, Facebook or Instagram, if you have questions.

You can find out about baby sessions and which of our classes is most suitable for you by checking out our dedicated class pages.