One of the biggest decisions you will face as a parent is finding the right childcare placement for your precious child.

This is a huge topic of conversation in class. There is no right or wrong answer when you are looking for childcare and when you need to use childcare. However, there are so many options which can be overwhelming. 

Ideas to help you feel less overwhelmed

  • Online research and reviews can be helpful. Also the goverment website is where you’ll find out about available funding.
  • Talk to other parents as you’ll likely find that they are feeling just as you are.
  • Be open and willing to look at different types of childcare, including day nurseries, childminders, nannies etc.
  • Have a list of questions you want to ask as once you are in the viewing, it’s handy to have a written prompt. There are no silly questions! 

The piece of advice I give to anyone, is to listen to your intuition. You will get a feeling that it will be the one. There may still be feelings of anxiety and worry but you will be more confident and settled knowing you had the right feeling. 

My personal experience

With my fist child (who is nearly 11 years old) I felt at a complete loss when it came to choosing which type of childcare placement to go for. However, I knew how I wanted her to be looked after. I knew that she needed to be held when upset, cuddled to sleep and when having a bottle, needed to be held and have her blanket – all the things she would receive from me at home. 

After viewing seven different types of placements, only one felt right. The way the staff interacted with my baby, who was seven months old at time of viewing, the size of the rooms, and how the babies and children were being cared for. It all fell into place.  


Above all, have confidence in yourself knowing what is right for you and your family. You are the parent and you know what is best. 

About the author

Jackie Farrow

Jackie Farrow

Franchise owner and instructor at Basking Babies Romford