This week we caught up with Katie Lavis, mum of two and founder of the Little Starts Gift Card, to find out how her unique business is helping combat a significant issue this Christmas.

The cost-of-living crisis

The cost-of-living crisis shouldn’t mean compromising child development and parents’ mental health. However, that’s the dilemma many families face this Christmas. Increasing costs mean many parents may need to choose between activity-based classes versus everyday necessities.

What does the data show?

With inflation rising above 10% and the most significant interest rate hike in a decade, families are facing difficult choices about what they spend their hard-earned money on. Even big brands like John Lewis and Tesco have shifted their approach to focus more on value and spreading kindness this year.

Increasingly, parents must decide which activities, if any, they can afford for their children. And yet, data shows how essential classes and activities are for children and particularly new parents.

How can the Little Starts Gift Card help?

At Little Starts Gift Cards, we’re encouraging people to help friends and family by gifting experiences instead of things. Gifting an experience via a gift card at this difficult time gives loved ones a helping hand towards mounting costs when they may need it most.

The Little Starts Gift Card opens the door to a world of different activity-based classes, including participating Basking Babies classes across the UK. The gift card recipient can choose from over 5000 weekly classes, selecting those in a location and on a day and time that suits them. Everything from swimming to singing and dancing to doodling is available.

Children’s activity classes are close to my heart

When I had my first baby, Olly, getting out to classes was the thing that had the most positive impact on our lives. It helped us get out of the house, have fun, make memories, build a support network and, most importantly, develop him. When I couldn’t find a way to gift these experiences to friends and family, I decided to create it myself.

Many parents are already worried about the impact the pandemic has had on their children’s development by not being able to get out and access activities as they usually would. It’s heartbreaking that they may now have to make difficult choices about what they can and can’t do again. Gifting classes with a Little Starts Gift Card helps with the cost of attending classes. It’s vital for child development and parent’s well-being, plus it’s far more impactful than another plastic toy that will be destined for the back of the cupboard or, worse, the bin!

Find out more

For more information about Little Starts Gift Cards, visit

Little Starts Gift Cards are available from £10 – £200 as an e-card or printed gift card on 100% recyclable paperboard.