Carla, Franchise Owner & Instructor at Basking Babies Braintree, Coggeshall & Halstead talks all about one of our newest courses – Mama-to-be Nurture Circles – below.

What are women’s circles?

When I first starting advertising my Mama-to-be Nurture Circles, I felt like I really needed to explain what they were as it felt quite new.  

But the reality is women’s circles have existed for as long as women have, in one way or another! 

Those amazing secrets women and mothers would pass on to each other. Whether it was recipes, motherhood advice or healing magic; women have long gathered together and shared and supported each other.  

That’s the idea behind our Mama-to-be and Mama Nurture Circles.  

We’re giving you the opportunity to share your highs and lows of pregnancy and motherhood. To truly build your “village” before baby arrives, and to have that support all through your motherhood journey.  

What to expect each week


I have absolutely loved facilitating the mama-to-be circles. It feels incredibly special to be in a room full of women on the cusp of a new part of their life.  

It’s an honour to hold that space to allow them to share their worries and concerns.  

Watching the women listen to each other and offer support and words of kindness has filled my heart with so much pride.  

Some weeks have had tears spilled, hugs fished out and words of compassion. We all know pregnancy is far from easy sometimes.  

Other weeks we’ve been doubled over in absolute fits of laughter discussing the trials and tribulations of perineal massage, “helpful” and downright bizarre advice from others, plus the never ending glamour of pregnancy.

It’s truly a magical space and the idea that these women are building a community and a support network for their early postnatal weeks makes me immensely happy and proud. 

Find a Nurture Circle near you here.

About the author

Carla May

Carla May

Franchise Owner & Instructor at Basking Babies Braintree, Coggeshall & Halstead.