

Get me out of here! Ever felt like your work just doesn’t work anymore?

That it doesn’t fit with the bigger picture of what you want to achieve? That it doesn’t fit with balancing family life? The truth is that I changed my career about 3 years before having children and I thought I had cracked it! How wrong I was. 

Rewind to 2009. I had a great job in the city and I loved it.  The hours were crazy, the work was exciting and socialising till the early hours was part of the job – but it was the type of environment where if you left on time it was career suicide. I knew I wanted children and I knew that I wanted to be around for them. So I made the move into work that had predictable and shorter hours each day. I felt chuffed that I had found enjoyable work with career progression that I could also fit around family life.   


2012 and my first baby was born. I went back to this ’ideal ’ work I had found myself that was going to be perfect when I had kids. It hit me hard. This is NOT possible. Getting on a train at 7am and not getting home until 6pm does NOT work! I couldn’t help but think, even if I could make it work through my baby’s early years by using nurseries that are open long hours. How does this work when they are school age? Who is going to take my little boy to school? Who is going to pick him up and ask him how his day was? Who is going to make his dinner and help him with his homework? I wanted that person to be me.  

How could having a successful career need to come at such a sacrifice to family life? How could there be so few jobs that made this balance possible? I couldn’t think of a single one that truly gave you flexibility to be there for your children alongside having a successful and fulfilling career. So, it became my dream to make it a reality. Not only did I want this for myself, I wanted to help others with the same dream to achieve the same. I wanted to create work that makes a difference, work that you truly love BUT that does not come at a cost to family life.  

Basking Babies was born. 

Basking Babies provide a range of classes to support parents, and make a real difference, through their early parenting journey from pregnancy to preschool. Every Basking Babies franchisee loves their work and are passionate about what they do and every franchisee chooses their own hours so that they can truly have a business they love, that DOES allow them to put their family first.

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