This week we caught up with Becki from Birthing with Becki to find out more about hypnobirthing.

Your feelings around birth

So you’ve found out you’re pregnant and then suddenly it dawns on you… “I’ve got to give birth at the end of this experience!”

How are you feeling? Excited? Confident? Calm? Well-informed? If you’ve answered “no” to any of the above, then chances are hypnobirthing can be of real benefit to you.


Unfortunately, things can seem against us when it comes to birth. We’ve been conditioned to believe that it’s a traumatic experience we should all fear, and that there’s simply no other way. Well, hypnobirthing is here to break that narrative, and give you a more balanced perspective on birth. It’s not about discrediting traumatic experiences, it’s about honouring them and showing that there can be another side to birth.

As when we approach any situation in life with such fear present, we trigger what’s known as the fear, tension, pain cycle. Then our adrenaline-fuelled fight or flight system kicks in, completely overriding all of the helpful hormones that are proven to be super beneficial during labour.

What actually is hypnobirthing and how can it help your birth experience?

First and foremost, hypnobirthing is a full antenatal education, providing you with SO much useful information about birth. No matter what course your labour takes, you will feel empowered and super prepared.

As I say in all of my classes – KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

Hypnobirthing also arms you with so many useful tools that help encourage the production of super helpful hormones such as oxytocin, which is proven to help encourage the natural flow of labour and reduce the likelihood of intervention. We’re talking birth breathing, guided relaxation tracks, touch tools, positive birth statements, and positive birth stories. A complete toolkit that will become your best friend during birth…

  • The breathing techniques are there to keep you feeling calm and focused
  • Guided relaxation tracks are designed to provide you with all the reassurance you need
  • Touch tools help relieve tension, and create connection between you and your birth partner
  • Positive birth statements are on hand to give you a little pep talk, and remind you that you CAN do this. YOU’VE GOT THIS MAMA!

So, what is hypnobirthing not?

Hypnobirthing is not a specific type of birth…

  • You can be induced and still have a hypnobirthing experience
  • You can opt for pain relief and still have a hypnobirthing experience
  • You can have a caesarean birth and still have a hypnobirthing experience

Hypnobirthing is not just for those planning an unmedicated vaginal birth with zero intervention. Hypnobirthing is for EVERYONE.

Would you like to know more?

If you feel drawn to hypnobirthing and would like to find out more, please pop me a message at or visit

About the author

Birthing with Becki

Birthing with Becki

I knew the birth of my son was going to change my life in such a monumental way, but what I didn’t realise was it would bring me a whole new vocation. In November 2022, not only did I fall in love with my baby bear, I also fell in love with hypnobirthing too. 

Having had the most wonderful, positive birth experience, I am living proof that KGH works, and I feel compelled to continue spreading the word with others.

I have an abundance of passion and enthusiasm for the course, and I cannot wait to educate and empower other parents so that they too can experience the wonders of hypnobirthing.