
Worried about joining a baby class? You are not alone - Basking Babies

Written by Jen Dowding | Sep 8, 2022 11:00:00 AM


Becoming a new parent can bring with it a mixture of feelings – including isolation – but also the fear of leaving that baby bubble and venturing out to socialise with your baby for the first time.

You may be worrying about how you will make it out of the house on time, not knowing anyone, or just committing to something new when you are not sure it will be for you. Please rest assured, you are not alone in feeling this way.

We understand

Firstly we want you to know that it’s ok, it’s completely normal and we understand. Mainly because all of us here at Basking Babies are parents ourselves and have been there. We too have experienced the ups and downs of emotions and the worries of being a new parent. This is one of the reasons why we are all so passionate about providing positive experiences for parents and why we decided to become instructors in the first place.

In a Basking Babies class, you will find no judgement but a warm and welcoming atmosphere full of support. This support will come not only from your class leader but from parents around you as they are learning and experiencing the highs and lows of parenthood too.

Running late?

Don’t panic, simply join in when you can. We understand that babies have no concept of time and typically always manage to have a delightful poop explosion or projectile sick all over you just as you are about to walk out of the door. The joys! Or baby might keep you awake all night, leaving you exhausted and knowing they will be sleeping throughout the whole class. If that happens, enjoy some time for you – time to have an adult conversation, enjoy sleepy cuddles, sip on an actual hot drink, and step away from your to-do list. 

Unsettled baby?

Your instructor will want you to feel as relaxed as possible and will encourage everyone to attend to baby’s needs. Whether that be by walking around, feeding, changing baby, or just sitting back and giving baby a cuddle if they don’t want to be put down. You just do what you need to do. All babies cry, it’s their only form of communication. You certainly will not have the only baby that cries, in fact they often like to take it in turns or join in with each other which results in everyone laughing.


In it together

Meeting new people in a new environment can be scary for anyone but remember, others in the group will be feeling the same and may not know anyone either. You will share so much support, advice, tips and experiences with one and other.

I’m sure we can all remember a time or times when we have feared something and realised that actually it wasn’t that scary after all. One day you will be telling your older children the same thing. Try and put your worries behind you and enjoy this new chapter of your life as I’m certain after attending class, you will say those exact words, “what was I worrying about?”

Enjoy your journey.