
Pregnancy: Coping with changes to your body and headspace

Written by Kirsten Hawkins | Oct 28, 2021 10:00:00 AM

You only really know what pregnancy is like, when you experience it first-hand.

We often hear tales of other people’s experiences of pregnancy, but in reality everyone who goes through it has a different journey.

One thing that we can’t really plan for is the alterations to ‘normal’ life. Before you were pregnant you may have had a set way of doing things or perhaps you were the spontaneous type, however when you have someone in your tummy, things tend to change.

If you’re looking for a supportive hand to hold whilst coping with the changes to your routine following pregnancy, we’re here for you.


Physical changes to your body

If a little one is growing inside of you, it is natural to start to feel your body change. Your body is now the home to somebody else too, and it can seem a little strange.

Parts of your body will alter, and this is a normal part of pregnancy. However, even though it’s ‘normal’ it doesn’t mean that it can be an easy change to accept.

You’ve been living in a body that probably looked and felt rather different before.

Therefore, it can be difficult to get used to the new image you’re seeing in the mirror. However you shouldn’t be alarmed – your body is doing a beautiful and incredible thing.

Make sure to give yourself and your body the love and praise that you deserve. Your body is doing an amazing thing, and it’s important that we recognise this as mothers and commend ourselves for the role we play in our baby’s growth.

Keep active if you can as this can help to make you feel more confident and energised, but don’t beat yourself up if you are unable to take part in the activities you once enjoyed. Pregnancy/ post-natal yoga and swimming are excellent options for gentle exercise.


Changes to your senses

Ready to take a bite of your favourite food but find it tastes a little funny?

Starting to crave some strange food combinations?

Well, this is common amongst many women during their first and second trimester – so you’re not alone.

If you’re experiencing an odd metallic taste in your mouth, then try not to be alarmed – it will eventually pass. It does seem rather strange at the time but it’s not a long-lasting change, so don’t worry!

A good way to manage this unpleasant taste is by eating things like citrus fruits, sipping on ginger or peppermint tea, or sucking on a mint. There are also plenty of other things that will work too, just double check they’re safe to consume during pregnancy and see what works for you.


Changes to your health

Before you were pregnant, it may have been rare that you felt unwell. And when you were it likely came and went after a trip to the GP and/or some rest.

However, during pregnancy you may experience some slightly unpleasant symptoms that stay around a little longer. Some of the most common discomforts include cramping, headaches, and heartburn.

Whilst this may be a difficult and uncomfortable time, things should ease as the weeks go by. Often after your first trimester, things should calm down a little, but it’s always a good idea to check in with your midwife if you have any concerns.


Changes to your headspace

As a new mum there is a lot to learn and comprehend. We are changing every day and looking after somebody brand new can be hard to adjust to.

Therefore, you may have felt your headspace slightly shift. You might be feeling a little overwhelmed by your new role.  

It’s completely normal to find this adjustment period to be a rather strange time. This is why you might need a little extra support as you come to terms with it all.

If you need some more help to protect your mental health during pregnancy, Mind have a great selection of resources for expectant mums that you can access just here.


Changes to your relationships

As you experience a new sense of responsibility, your relationship to your baby and those around you may change.

You’ve taken on a new role that is filled with ups and downs. Not to mention, it’s a brand-new experience caring for someone who is in your belly!

Naturally, you’ll change your perspective of the world, and you may require a little more support from those around you.

You may find yourself on a shorter thread than usual with hormonal changes taking place in your body, but a calming helping hand is always appreciated.

Try to ask for help when you need it and give your friends and family a call when things are getting challenging. Contact those around you who will be understanding of your heightened emotions and who will be there to support you as and when you require it.


Take each day as it comes

When you’re pregnant every day is different.

As you continue to live your life, be mindful to keep yourself as a top priority. Looking after a little one doesn’t mean you need to neglect your own needs.

As you see the changes arise along your journey, talk to those around you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or you need some ‘you-time’, allow yourself to have it.

Pregnancy is an incredible experience but also an unpredictable one. Find a way of living that works for you and your changing body.

You are doing an amazing job.